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Check out 7 Simple Tips to Create a Successful Email Marketing Strategy with Bookmyad.

Email marketing is a type of direct marketing that uses electronic mail to send advertisements, solicit sales, or share information. Although it can be used as a stand-alone product by emailing only to those who have requested a subscription to a mailing list, it is more commonly used as part of an integrated advertising strategy. It’s essential to build a successful email marketing strategy.

Bookmyad helps you take your email marketing to the next level! Collect leads and subscribers, create beautiful newsletters, set up campaigns, and smoothly automate them for the best ROI possible. We help you impress, build your brand and earn recipients’ trust with our set of design tools. Create your designs or use our customizable email templates to easily reach your audience with beautiful and responsive emails.

We have compiled some tips here for helping you create a successful email marketing strategy for your business. We hope these will give you some ideas on how best to use this valuable tool to reach out to potential customers or clients who may not know about what you offer yet.

How to develop a successful email marketing strategy

This article will look at 10 simple yet powerful tips for creating a successful email marketing strategy. Learn how you can increase your sales by using these tips.

1. Customize your emails

Everyone wants to feel special. Therefore, you must customize your email marketing messages to the individual recipient. This means personalizing the subject line, opening body copy and signature with their name (and even including it in your footer).

While this can be done manually if you have a small number of people on your list, it cannot be accessible if your list is large or constantly growing. Most companies should use an email automation tool to pull this information from their database so the process becomes more accessible and more efficient.

2. Don’t buy email lists

You know the feeling of being on a list you didn’t sign up for, or worse, not even knowing you’re on it? There’s something off-putting about being creepily targeted by an email that has nothing to do with your interests. That’s why buying lists are terrible for your reputation. It’s also unethical and can get you in serious legal trouble.

There are two types of email addresses: those obtained legally and those obtained illegally. The latter type often comes from companies buying old databases or unverified lists. They don’t care if they’re sending out spam emails to people who haven’t been permitted to receive them, nor do they worry about whether these buyers will create a good experience for their subscribers (i.e., deliver relevant content).

Buying email addresses from these sources is likely illegal because it violates CAN-SPAM laws, which protect consumers’ privacy by regulating commercial email practices such as obtaining consent before sending unsolicited messages and giving recipients clear instructions on how to unsubscribe from future communications.

3. Respond promptly

Responding to emails promptly is integral to building a successful customer relationship. It builds trust, loyalty, and respect with your customer. If you want to convert your email subscribers into customers you need to be responding promptly.

You should also make sure that you are answering any questions or concerns that they may have. You can do this by sending out an important announcement or sharing an article that they might find interesting. If they don’t respond quickly enough, then you can follow up with them again and ask if they need any additional information from you.

Another way to make sure that you are responding promptly is by setting up a customer relationship management (CRM) system. This will help track all of your emails so that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of things going on at work every day.

4. Start small and build your email list

This is a good rule of thumb for any business endeavour. It’s essential when building your email list and working with that list to grow your brand.

With a smaller mailing list, you can easily segment your contacts into groups based on their interests, age ranges, etc. This allows you to target a different audience with more personalized messages.

As people reply or unsubscribe from these targeted emails, they’ll move into other segments until they either receive the exact kind of content they want to see or aren’t interested in anymore.

5. Develop an email marketing calendar

The first step in developing an effective email marketing strategy is to create a calendar. This way, you can plan your emails and ensure they will be sent out at the appropriate times. In addition, by planning your content up front and scheduling when you want it to be sent out, it becomes easier for you to manage your efforts and focus on other areas of your business.

Your marketing calendar should include:

  • What messages do you want to send out (such as promotions or new product announcements)
  • Who will be receiving the message (customers? employees?)
  • When recipients will receive the news (e.g., weekly on Friday)

6.Be clear with what you want recipients to do

There are many ways to make your email marketing campaign more effective. First, you should be clear with what you want readers to do, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. Include links and buttons that will guide them through the process. If you have products for sale on your website, include a link so readers can buy from there directly instead of having to search for the product themselves.

You can also make it easy for recipients by including an option for them to fill out forms that send data directly into your system without having any chance of being lost or forgotten about in an inbox (like my “billing reminders”). Another great tool is a survey that allows recipients a chance to win prizes (or even give their opinion). This provides valuable insights into what works best when promoting products/services via successful email marketing campaigns.

7.Make your emails engaging by including images and videos

People have a short attention span, so you need to be brief and to the point. Ensure you include images, videos, and links in your emails. You can use pictures to make the emails more interesting. Videos are a great way of explaining complex topics. They will help build credibility for your brand and Increase engagement rates. 

As far as links go – don’t forget about them! Don’t just provide links for the sake of it; add value with this link by providing more information or offering discounts on products/services. If possible, add buttons linking to your website so customers can take action immediately without having to hunt around on their own devices (iPad/smartphone, etc.).


A successful email marketing strategy will keep subscribers happy and engaged

Email marketing is a great way to connect with potential customers and keep them engaged. It’s easy to send out an email blast with no real impact, but if you want your campaigns to reach potential customers and enhance your brand, you need to consider what goes into these emails.

The first step is to make sure that your emails are personal. Don’t send out mass emails without any thought or effort. Instead, take the time to write personalized messages for each customer. You can learn their names or ask them questions about themselves when they sign up for your mailing list (or even better, before they sign up). This will help you build relationships with your subscribers so that they feel like they have a relationship with your company instead of just getting another impersonal email blast every week or month.

Your email marketing strategy is the foundation of your business. It’s how you connect with and engage customers. It can be used to generate leads and sales. However, many moving parts go into an effective strategy, including copywriting, segmentation, and optimization.

At Bookmyad, we make creating campaigns easy. Our email marketing platform will help you customize every aspect of your email sending, to provide your audience with the content they want when they want it. So, if you have a project in mind or looking to revolutionize your Email Marketing game! We are just a click away and can’t wait to hear from you.

Contact us by calling us at +91 8800334456 or email us at to learn more.








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